Agendas and Meetings
Our mission is to provide our citizens with efficient services and programs that support the community and enrich the lives of our residents. We are proud to offer a variety of public meetings and events, and our website provides citizens with all the information they need to stay up-to-date on our upcoming and past meetings, events, and agendas. We welcome you to explore all that West Providence Township has to offer.
2nd Monday of Every Month at 6:00PM
Planning Commission:
1st Monday of Every Month at 6:00PM
Municipal Authority:
3rd Monday of Every Month at 5:00PM
Please note if the scheduled meeting falls on a holiday the meeting will then be held on the next day.
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held at the West Providence Township Building.
Supervisor's Agenda
Organizational Agenda
Planning Commission's Agenda
Municipal Authority's Agenda
Office Closed
New Year's Day
Dr. Martin Luther Kings' Birthday
President's Day
Good Friday
Primary Election
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Election Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day & Friday
Christmas Eve